Today was the first day back to school after spring break. That isn't really a pleasant change after having such a wonderful break, but it was good too. Oh! Here's a story I just heard yesterday that goes well with everything that I've been talking about. There was a little boy who wanted to become a great baseball player. So he practiced and he practiced and he practiced. One day he was out practicing, and started focusing. He was determined to hit the ball the farthest he ever had. So he tossed the ball up, and... it fell to the ground. So he picked the ball up and began focusing again, harder, even more determined to hit the ball. Again he tossed it into the air, he swung, and as it landed softly in the grass he began to look a little down. Well, it being baseball and all, he knew he had one more strike. So he squeezed his eyes shut, focused harder than ever before, took a deep breath, and once again, tossed the ball into the air. He took a great swing! When he looked down into the grass at the ball at his feet, the tears began to well up in his eyes.. but then a great big toothy smile split his face and he said "Wow! What a pitcher!!"
It's all about our perspective! So even though going to school today might not have been the most enjoyable thing after a relaxing break, it was great to be around all of those wonderful people! I got to smile at people and talk to people and lift people all around me again. So it was good!
Now, as for all that practicing--
I spent a lot of time practicing my guitar and singing, to the point that one of my fingers started bleeding, and and three others were incredibly sore. And yet I kept playing off and on, learning my songs better. Now I have to wonder, was it worth it? Is a couple sore fingers worth the happiness I'll hopefully bring to people I don't even know in the next couple days? Well I think so!
So ask yourself: what price are you willing to pay to make a difference?
Well here is a chance to see. Compliments of TOMS, there is a a day, April 8th, when they are sponsoring a day without shoes. Go check it out-

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