Tell me though, why do people bother to 'acquire tastes'? If we don't like something, there is probably a reason for it. Let's look at some extreme examples-- smoking. Who likes to breathe in smoke? Not me, that's for sure! So why would someone bother to do something they don't like over and over again until they like it? Especially when they know it's bad for their health? Same thing goes for drinking alcohol, or doing any other drugs!
But really, why do we do that? It's like you eat something, and have to spit it out because it's so disgusting, and then you're like "hmmm, that was revolting. I think I'll do that again!" and again... and again... But since it would appear that we revert back to our original tastes, do you know what I think? I'm pretty sure that we never actually like those acquired tastes anyway. We just trick ourselves into thinking that we do. The motivation? I hypothesize that it is just for the social standing or refinement that we associate with those tastes. Really we should just be realizing how silly those uppity people are for bothering to try to like those gross things!

That reminds me of another thing.. why do we torture our bodies even further by not getting enough sleep? Like I can understand once in a while, getting something done or whatever. But why do we resist our body's effort to help us get the rest we need? Or anything else, for that matter! Our bodies know so much better than we do consciously what we need. So we should listen to them! We'd be so much healthier and happier if we did! So on that topic, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight world!
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