I knew today was going to be a
beautiful day! As a day off from school that was pretty much a guarantee :) My sister and I decided to get up before the sun and hike up Badger Mountain to watch the
sunrise. It was a bit chilly, but it was a great experience. I have the best sister ever! I'm not sure she really even wanted to come, but came anyway just to be with me and so I'd have someone to hike with.

Well I carried my keyboard up to the top with me (it was kind of a pain to lug

up) with the intent to play. My fingers were so cold though and we got distracted taking pictures!! But there was another gentleman who made the climb shortly after us who saw my piano and asked if I was gonna play him some tunes. I said "You bet!" thinking he was just kind of kidding. He went off a ways then came back a couple minutes later and said he'd hold me to it. So I pulled out my piano and started playing. I was kind of unsure at first, but it ended up being a really
neat experience! I got the opportunity to share some of what I
love, and by doing so brighten someone's day, just like the sun was just starting to brighten the mountain side.
Well having gotten up so early and gotten going doing something made me feel pretty good. I was proud to have been able to do that, and make it all the way to the top! Well when I got home I was kind of fiddling, doing little things, but staying busy. Well I have an update to
the secrets to the secret to being happy! It works a little better if you are actually accomplishing something.
Accomplishing something makes you feel accomplished, which is a pretty dang good feeling! Anyway, I took the time to sit down and actually think of something productive that I could do. There were little things for me to do, that might normally have felt like
work, but since I wanted to be busy they were easy and enjoyable to do!!
(I think I may have just found my cure to senioritis! I may graduate after all!! ;] )
One of the best parts about today was the part where I did something for someone! :D That's always my favorite: I love to do it!! Playing the piano was one thing, and was so peaceful up there away from the city! But I managed something to top that. I went with my
grandma to lunch! I don't get to spend too much time with my grandma, but I love the time I do get to spend with her! She tells the best stories, and has done so much! I did my best to be the absolute
gentleman for her, and I think that is one of her favorite things. Eventually my dawn excursion with my sister came up, and she thoroughly enjoyed the pictures we took. She told me a story about why she loves the desert, so I was so happy I could share some of its familiar
beauty with her!

Notwithstanding the fact that I had already gone hiking this morning, I felt that it was important for me to ride my bike again. So I decided to time my twenty mile ride so that I could know how long it took so I could figure out how to fit it into my schedule. I will admit, I almost didn't make it. But having done so, again I feel that I accomplished something, and that is very nice. I got a lot of time to just think, since I had no one to talk to. It is amazing what
inspiration can come to you even when you are left to your own

thoughts, letting them drift, opening and clearing your mind. Even through the
pain there was
peace.This was an amazing lesson for me to learn today, and not a moment too soon. For when I returned home from my bike ride, I discovered that my dog had somehow managed to rip out one of his claws. Then as we were preparing to take him to the vet, he escaped and was hit by a car. He is alright, but even so it has been quite scary. But
through the pain, there is peace.
So take the time to give yourself some time. Do something that lets your mind be free, clear, open to inspiration. Exercise is a great way, or yoga or meditation. Maybe its knitting for you, or making paper airplanes. Sitting down and writing in your journal, painting a picture, playing a flute. But give yourself the time.
Find your peace.