Ever here of Maslow? He might have come up in a government class, or debate, or psychology. Well he developed something called a hierarchy of needs. He believed that the needs of the fundamental level must be fulfilled or satisfied, before being able to focus on the next level.
Alright, well how could you be happy, if you don't feel safe, loved or anything? Take that time to yourself, and let your mind clear! What's happening then? Suddenly, those dangers don't seem as important. There are things you can do about them, or to avoid them, or you may just feel at peace. Those people that you "know" don't appreciate you, they are just a small percentage of the people in the world! There are so many others and definitely one's who love you and care what happens to you. So by finding that peace, you automatically start moving rapidly up that hierarchy. Here is an image to help illustrate this point:
Imagine a clear jar, like the ones that you get that delicious homemade jelly in every summer. Now imagine it full of water. Add some mud, put the lid on, and swirl it around. That's life. With all of its problems, difficulties and stresses. Murky, and hard to see the light. But what happens when you leave it alone for a time, and give it the time to relax and be still? All of the mud and silt will settle to the bottom, and the water is once again clear. Life is good! The light shines brightly again, and you are happy!
So don't underestimate the power of peace. Its there, just waiting for you. Always :) Take advantage of it. Clear the waters and see the light. You will absolutely sparkle!
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