I absolutely love to sing, but singing in the morning isn't really the best for me. ESPECIALLY only five minutes after I woke up. The practice went well though, and our song was sounding alright.
Let me tell

Our song was one that spoke a message of peace and comfort in all manner of trials and hard times. That's how I made my difference today. By sharing the music of my soul, hopefully I helped to touch another's heart. Because you CAN find peace at any time, if you just trust and look forward,choosing to see how you can grow, to see the silver lining.
Maybe that's why I love performing so much.. I mean, I appreciate the recognition and the opportunities that I have to showcase my talents, but on the other hand I don't really like being the center of attention either. Kind of paradoxical, I know, but that's how it is. So maybe the real reason that I love stepping up into the spotlight so much is because I know that music touches people, can control their emotions. A good crowd response means they felt something. They may not even realize what it is, but they felt it.
So I'll keep singing, stepping out onto the stage, and making a difference to the one person in the audience who needs to hear what I have to say. One is enough. I'll make my difference, one person at a time.
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