Speaking of which, this a pretty good parallel to life. There are just some things that you don't really appreciate until your patience is tested, or your endurance. That was my big test today. There were portions along my ride when the wind picked up and I was headed right into it, and going uphill besides! But then I could take comfort in the things I would not have seen if I hadn't stuck with it. I got to appreciate those things that I would have taken for granted if I hadn't been tested. So trials and adversity may be inconvenient, but they are necessary for us to grow and to expand beyond ourselves, to be more appreciative and polite. So thank goodness for the wind!

Being spring break, and all of us kids being home from school, we all went with my mom to take my grandma out to lunch. She was so happy to have us all together with her! It made her feel so special, and we had a great time!
Something cool that I've noticed as I've made an effort to do kind things for other people:
I'm sure you've met people who just don't want to work at all, or do things that aren't going to benefit them? Well sometimes my little brothers are like that. Well I was going to go do some work as a gift for my dad, and I invited them to come with me to help. Well they got excited and jumped right in! Just goes to show how just one person taking the opportunity to help someone out can start a chain reaction getting more people involved and working together. One person can start a worldwide cooperative difference! It really can happen! And it made the normally laborious job easy to do.
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