Tuesday, April 6, 2010

driven to distraction

Graduation. Two months from yesterday. It's so close. And then it is time to move on in my life. Preparations are already starting. We're starting to review for AP tests, I'm preparing for final musical competitions, the hardest I ever have, I'm looking for an internship to fund college, and we're beginning to get ready for the actual graduation ceremony. Thankfully, I will have one final fling: at graduation, I will have the opportunity to conduct the band for a time!

How is it that when I already have more things to do than fit in the hours of a day I always go looking for more? How will I get it all done? One easy answer is to not waste any time! I always need to be doing something productive, especially right now. Plus that'll keep me out of trouble! ;) But the real answer is one step at a time. I can't expect to do it all at once. It will take doing, and patience, but I can do it! I need to do it.

It's really just a constant process. I know the things I need to do, but sometimes I get distracted. I know how to be happy, but sometimes I get distracted. I know how to be the best I can be, but sometimes I get distracted! So we just have to constantly be taking stock, and reminding ourselves what we need to do. This way we can do anything at all.

Anything at all

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